Nicholas's Exciting Acquisition Journey

Nicholas recently made significant strides in his journey toward acquiring a business. Last week, he met with a business owner to discuss a potential opportunity. However, before he could obtain the financials, the owner decided to proceed with another buyer. Undeterred, Nicholas has already moved on to another promising lead.

He recently received financials for an assisted living facility and is now working through the EBITDA calculations. While facing some challenges, he has reached out to Angela from Acquisitions Support for assistance in breaking down the P&L. This next step is critical, as Nicholas is keen to understand the financial health of the company and get a clearer picture of its potential.

In addition, Nicholas is working to schedule a face-to-face meeting with the owner to learn more about her motivations for selling and gather the necessary details to move forward confidently. This personal interaction is key to understanding the full scope of the opportunity.

What stands out most is the sense of relief Nicholas feels as the process unfolds. The initial stress he experienced has started to dissipate, thanks to the clarity and practical insights provided by While he values the high-level teachings of Dan Peña, Nicholas has found the more detailed and actionable advice from Moran’s videos to be incredibly helpful. He’s already taken extensive notes and is applying these lessons as he progresses.

Nicholas is excited about the potential that lies ahead and is grateful for the support he’s received. The foundation has been laid, and he is eager to continue exploring the possibilities with a renewed sense of confidence and enthusiasm.

If you want us to help you get similar results, including finding, analyzing, and financing (we can even guarantee introductions to banks & investors), then book a call and let’s talk.

