Philip 5m business

Phil faced a major challenge in scaling his trucking business, which was generating $5 million in revenue. The bottleneck? His workforce. Despite generating a high volume of warm leads, Phil was the only one who could effectively close deals and recruit reliable drivers.

To overcome this, Phil took action. He and his wife began restructuring the business from the inside out, focusing on establishing core values and accountability systems. These foundational steps are crucial as Phil plans to add five more trucks over the next six months, aiming to grow the business significantly.

Phil’s vision doesn't stop there. He's gearing up for future acquisitions, with a goal of expanding the business through additional verticals. The key to success? Building a trustworthy team aligned with his values, ready to take on leadership roles as the company grows.

Watch Phil discuss his journey and learn more about his strategies to scale his business and achieve sustainable growth.

If you want us to help you get similar results, including finding, analyzing, and financing (we can even guarantee introductions to banks & investors), then book a call and let’s talk.

